
Bridge the gap between your old house and new dream home! Let us help you transition with a bridge loan — your current home’s equity can fund a down payment on your new home.

马上申请 认为利率

你在家里花了很多钱. 让它帮你买下一个.

我们明白了. You’ve found the perfect home — it has ample space for your family, 是在一个很棒的学区吗, 而且离你喜欢做的一切都很近. But you're stuck with your old home and need to sell before you can buy. If you have to wait until the right buyer comes along, 你梦想中的房子可能会被抢走, 但是你能做什么呢?  

That’s where a bridge loan from Arbor Financial can help. A bridge loan is a mortgage with a term up to 12 months and interest-only payments, covering the gap between selling and buying. 

Our bridge loan is designed to help prospective home buyers who don’t have cash savings by utilizing the equity built up in their current home for a down payment.

给我们打个电话 269.544.3105 看看我们能为你做些什么!




  1. Arbor Financial will order an appraisal on your current home to determine the value.
  2. Equity is then calculated by using the appraised value and subtracting your current mortgage and/or home equity line of credit from the balance.
  3. You can borrow up to 80% of your home's equity (per the above calculation) to use as a down payment for your next home.
  4. You make interest-only payments on the bridge loan, keeping your payments lower and manageable while you sell your other home.
  5. When your home sells, the bridge loan is paid off.

When you're ready to apply, here's what to consider:

You'll need documentation for all borrowers, including:

  • 社会安全号码
  • 联系方式及招聘信息
  • Best estimates of income, assets, and liabilities


  • 指导您完成贷款流程
  • 完成你的贷款申请包
  • Help you select the best program and interest rate
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